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Integrating your business into tools like Skimlinks can make or break your national media success. Is your business up to speed?
If you are a product-based business, you have more than likely heard of affiliate marketing. While this is a newer world to navigate, tools like Skimlinks can help make it a bit simpler. Affiliate marketing used to be a tool only used for influencer marketing but worlds are now colliding with media and affecting the way your products are being included in some of your favorite media outlets.
Skimlinks is an affiliate marketing tool that helps publishers earn money by automatically converting their product links into affiliate links. When a user clicks on these links and makes a purchase, the publisher earns a commission – this is also a great way for the media outlet to see if your product is resonating with their readers! With media needing to find sustainable revenue streams to stay relevant, this has become a major movement in the product/service world.
Here’s a scenario – a PR team pitches their product client to a national publication for a holiday round-up and the product’s competitor pitches the same contact. Media outlets are looking to work with affiliate marketing partners more than ever and if your competitor is a Skimlinks partner and you are not, more than likely, the outlet will choose to work with the one that has affiliate marketing in place. This is also helpful because if you both have Skimlinks, you can adjust your commission rate during peak seasons for the outlet to leverage your chances of being included.
Affiliate marketing in media is here to stay and the sooner you integrate tools like Skimlinks into your product-based business, the sooner you will see success in reaching your national media goals. Outsourcing this process to a publicist that knows the affiliate marketing world can be key if you are not up to speed – let’s chat!
-Alexa G.
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