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Public relations is more than simply getting your client in the news – it requires fostering authentic and long-term relationships with industry peers.
As a publicist, I’m regularly asked “what do you do on a daily basis?” or “what even is PR?” Even after being in the world of public relations for multiple years, this question always perplexes me – because the truth is there is no straightforward answer and publicists these days wear many different hats. The quick and simple answer would be that publicists are working to secure press for our clients. However, the reality is that PR extends far beyond just securing media placements, especially in this day and age.
In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, public relations has evolved far beyond the traditional realm of getting media coverage. While it remains an important element, modern public relations encompasses a wide array of strategies and activities that collectively contribute to shaping a brand’s image, building relationships and driving business success. Most days, I’m working on various pitches to keep our journalist friends informed on the up-to-date news of our clients, but oftentimes I’m also planning various events, drafting newsletters, coordinating partnerships and sometimes even meeting up with peers for a quick cocktail date (part of the joy of being in hospitality public relations).
It’s no secret that cultivating an authentic relationship with journalists is key for a successful PR strategy. Key word being authentic. Authenticity is the glue that holds any relationship together, and the PR-journalist relationship is no exception. Authenticity in PR involves being transparent, honest and respectful in all interactions. When PR professionals approach journalists with genuine pitches and relevant stories that align with their beat and interests, it establishes a foundation of trust. Luckily, becoming familiar with journalists has become easier and easier with tools like Muck Rack. Journalists appreciate being presented with accurate and valuable information that resonates with their audience, and this trust paves the way for long-lasting, fruitful collaborations.
The rule of authenticity also remains true for relationships with influencers and content creators. As we’ve all seen, the digital world has continued to develop – and this development has resulted in influencers and content creators having a monumental reach and ultimately becoming an essential part of any PR strategy. Although journalists, influencers and content creators all play different roles in a strategy, the goal of a publicist remains constant, which is continuing to cultivate authentic and genuine relationships with peers within the industry.
At the end of the day, publicists are here to help clients accomplish a wide range of goals, and the path to that accomplishment is going to look different for everyone. Publicists wouldn’t be able to accomplish these goals without the help of journalists and influencers; continuing to nurture new and old relationships is an integral part of securing earned media for clients while they navigate the increasingly competitive and transparent market.
– Heather B.
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