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We rarely like to compare PR to what we see on TV because oftentimes they make it look way too easy and overly glamorous. There’s always an exception to a rule, and in this case, it’s how Ted Lasso nails communications throughout their series.
It’s safe to say Ted Lasso stole the hearts of viewers with emotional storylines and characters who felt like best friends. And while the show is obviously fictional, the life moments and valuable lessons are incredibly relatable. So while we mourn the loss of one of our favorite shows at Resplendent HQ, we’re compiling all the ways Ted Lasso taught us valuable lessons. Ones that can easily be applied to the world of PR.
Minor spoilers are listed below if you’re new to the show!
Let’s be honest, some folks are made for media and others require a little bit of practice. And while Roy’s lack of verbal communication and love of swearing adds comic relief to most scenes, he wouldn’t be our (or Rebecca’s) first choice to lead a press conference. But that doesn’t mean a little training can’t brush up his skills!
Our agency offers media training within our PR services. We do this with most of our clients, especially those new to media! Our team sets up scenarios, messaging, elevator pitches and best practices for various types of interviews (phone, email, broadcast, etc.). We go over results in a team setting so they can be used internally and externally. So when the time comes, our clients have the tools to be comfortable representing their brand for a successful interview. We’re basically like Keeley Jones, though with fewer fur coats.
If you’ve worked in PR, especially in an agency, you’ve likely experienced a campaign slump. A pitch idea or marketing initiative that you thought was brilliant and would surely take off isn’t getting results. Or a client is unwilling to make fresh changes to the brand after receiving community feedback. No matter what it is, we’ve all been there. So do you do the same course and continue spinning wheels until they burn out? Heck no! You change directions. Or in Ted’s case, you hallucinate into creating an innovative strategy that may have been ideated over 30 years ago.
Our point is, you think outside the box. Not every pitch is going to lead to multiple pieces of press. Not every marketing campaign is going to go viral. But you have to recognize when it isn’t working and either tweak the idea or start fresh with a new one until you find something that works.
Despite what Twitter says, journalists and publicists have quite a few things in common. We feel the #1 common ground is we’re both human! Sure, robots are taking over. But what they can’t replace is an authentic human connection (at least for now). The entire Ted Lasso series is a prime example of this: getting to know people, listening to their stories and understanding their perspectives.
Whether it’s your relationship with a cheeky reporter or your enemy-turned-closest-teammate— authentic communication led with respect is key for garnering positive results. As soon as communication begins to falter, results are affected and problems arise, leading to a Nate Shelley situation. And no one needs that arch nemesis character arc in their life.
PR today isn’t the same as it was five, 10, or 15 years ago. It’s always shifting, and our job is to learn how to shift with it. This can be said for any industry in any landscape, like soccer (or futbol). And while AFC Richmond may not be the club with the largest following, one of its many admirable traits is adaptability. Ted Lasso himself demonstrates that the moment he steps into the facility in the series pilot. He’s a Kansas native who suddenly finds himself in a suburb outside of London, coaching a sport he has no experience in, and befriending an entire team – and town – that underestimates him at every turn. It’s hard to not admire Ted’s resilience as he’s thrust into a world completely unfamiliar to him.
As publicists, our adaptability is also one of our best traits. We learn about new trends, we make and maintain new relationships, and we learn by trial and error a lot so that we’re always improving our skills and the work we do. Never underestimate Ted. And certainly never underestimate the value of PR.
Everyone has a story. But most times the formula behind a successful brand is believing in its purpose while maintaining a clear identity. Effective storytelling can inspire, motivate, and create brand loyalty to a product or business. Crafting compelling narratives can help brands connect with their target audience on a deeper level and leave a lasting impression. By leveraging the power of storytelling, PR professionals can effectively convey their brand’s message and create a memorable brand identity. We see this all throughout the series from Mae to Trent to Will. Everyone has a story but it’s all in how you tell it.
So there you have it. A fictional story that aligned so well with the core values of PR (and of Resplendent) – adaptability, autonomy, and most of all – staying true to your brand.
Barbecue sauce.
-Mel and Kayla
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