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While marketing on Instagram is ever-evolving, data shows that the latest of the trends that you have to jump on to effectively boost engagement and impressions is short-form video content – or in Instagram’s case, Reels. Here are our favorite ways to utilize Reels when managing an Instagram account for a small business.
Let’s be reel: The Instagram Reels feature can be daunting if you have never played around with it. We are here to help you utilize this nifty little marketing tool that lives in your Instagram app, and even better; how you can use reels in multiple ways to boost your marketing efforts.
Regardless of your business, a good reel can be an effective way to showcase your products, services, space, events, and brand as a whole. Video content has been growing businesses on social media platforms, and is a surefire way to grab the attention of your audience and give them an in-depth look into who you are. According to Sprout Social, 91% of active users watch videos on IG weekly so having a video marketing strategy is crucial in this day and age.
This trendy Instagram tool gives you an easy way to display who you are, what you do, and why you do it: all through a firsthand visual representation and of course, a trending song. According to the Search Engine Journal, video posts on Instagram get 2x as much engagement as other post formats. Reels are giving companies a simple yet effective marketing tool to boost engagement, and it’s just sitting in your back pocket.
So how can you utilize this tool? Here are our favorite 5 types of reels for small businesses:
Display a Space: Give the people what they really want – a virtual tour! These tour guides give you a first hand look into the space, and give a good visual representation of the place.
Present a product: Showcase your product through visually appealing content! This will give your audience more motivation to get into the store or restaurant to try this particular product that they just saw on their Instagram.
Demonstrate the product’s uses: show the audience how they can use this product in their day to day life! This gives the audience some inspiration for how to use the product once they purchase it — bonus points for making it look equally as tasty as it is grid-worthy.
Get funny and creative: use popular trends to showcase your niche! Get your engagement rate high by using content with funny trends that people will share with their friends.
Recap an Event: Show off the occasion! For these reels, you can use photos and videos to portray the event and finish it off with a trending song. These reels give you the feeling that you were there, and make you that much more incentivized to attend the next event.
Our tips and tricks to tackle your first Reel:
So there you have it! Get out your camera, start filming and watch your engagement grow – it’s Reel-y that easy.
Skyler M.
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